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By Eliot C. Heher, MD:
"Blood pressure pills, antibiotics, birth control pills, and most other prescription and over-the-counter medications are
sold under different names in different countries (even if they're manufactured by the same company). When you travel,
make sure you know the commercial name of the medications you and your family use regularly. You should also know
the generic (also known as chemical) name of these medications, which is more likely to be familiar to physicians and
pharmacists. Also, a medication that's available in 5, 10, and 20 mg tablets in the U.S. may only be available in 10 mg
tablets elsewhere.
Carry an adequate supply of all medications in case of delay finding an equivalent supply. Pack at least half of your supply
in a carry-on bag. Some medications, such as oral contraceptive agents, are particularly difficult to duplicate in their
exact formulation overseas. You should consider obtaining these medications at home for the duration of your entire
Bring copies of all medication prescriptions, and glasses and contact lens prescriptions. Disposable contacts should
probably be supplied from the home. An extra pair of glasses is a necessity. Write down the ingredients of the over-the-
counter medications you use, so a physician or reliable pharmacist can suggest something similar if the exact formulation
sold in your home country isn't available.
Avoid problems with curious customs agents by leaving all medications in their original bottles and by carrying a letter
from the prescribing doctor explaining why the medications are necessary. This is critical for medications that are
subject to abuse, such as narcotics.
If you receive allergy injections or injections of other medicines at home, be certain to get a detailed letter from the
prescribing physician describing the exact components of the shots."